Leduc is a robust and active community built on a strong history of agriculture, oil/gas, recreation, arts & culture, volunteerism and tourism opportunities
Located at the crossroads of air, highway and rail transportation, Leduc is a growing, dynamic city in the heart of Canada’s economic engine
Leduc is one of the fastest-growing communities, in one of the fastest-growing metropolitan regions in the country. It straddles one of the most important transportation corridors in the country and sits on the edge of the Edmonton International Airport, Canada’s fastest-growing and largest (by area) airport. It hosts the Nisku and Leduc business parks, Canada’s largest developed energy services industrial park. It is also home to growing manufacturing, agri-business, transportation, distribution and logistics, aerospace and aviation, and bio-industrial sectors
The 2019-2022 Strategic Plan was developed with growth in mind. Both council and administration want to be as proactive as possible in planning for a Leduc with 35,000 residents in 2021 and 65,000 in 25 years from now.
People living in Leduc describe themselves as a “caring
community.” They have a sense of belonging and connectedness with
the community. They are welcoming and supportive of every person in
the community